Series G3 Electronic Fieldbus Platform

AVENTICS Series G3 electronic fieldbus valve system is replacing conventional hardwired solutions. It integrates communication interfaces to pneumatic valve systems with input/output (I/O) capabilities. This next-generation electronic platform permits easy access to connections; it's simple to assemble, install, commission, and maintain. The G3's functionality allows programmable logic controllers to more efficiently turn valves on and off, and to channel I/O data from sensors, lights, relays, individual valves, or other I/O devices via various industrial networks including IO-Link devices via the IO-Link Class A Master. The G3 is the only pneumatic valve manifold that contains a graphical display used for configuration, commissioning, and diagnostics. It offers improvements in application, performance, and maintenance for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and end users alike.

Series G3 Electronic Fieldbus Platform Products

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